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What is a Repetitive Stress Injury?


We have all heard the idiom about the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” It is talking about how every little thing can eventually add up, resulting in a huge problem. For many working class Americans, they are the proverbial camel and their regular work-related duties are the reeds of straw. When the same physical activity is done over and over again, you can gradually start to cause harm to your body, resulting in a permanent repetitive stress injury (RSI).

For some people who do manual labor, such as construction, they might be required to heft heavy equipment or items day after day. An RSI resulting from this line of work could be soreness in shoulders or back muscles, or even sensitivity in the knees.

But grueling tasks are not required to cause an RSI. In fact, many are actually caused by more subtle actions, such as typing on a keyboard. Carpal tunnel syndrome is widespread in America, especially amongst people closer to their golden years, and much of it may be due to the onset of the personal computer and the digital age.

Symptoms of a repetitive stress injury often include:

  • Stiffness
  • Tenderness
  • Tingling sensation
  • Dull ache or soreness

Treating Repetitive Stress Injuries

The good news is that repetitive stress injuries are treatable. Many times, they require little diagnostic beyond an initial consultation with a doctor. The bad news is that treatments can be expensive, especially in severe cases. You may need to be put on a regimen of painkillers or anti-inflammatory medication for the rest of your life, as well as undergo regular physical therapy. In some instances, surgery is actually required to restore the area experiencing pain, such as when tendonitis occurs.

If you think that you are suffering from an ongoing repetitive stress injury, your job might be to blame for not providing you with ergonomic care or varied tasks. In such a case, you should contact a California workers’ compensation attorney from Alvandi Law Group, P.C. today. Our entire firm is focused on workers’ comp cases and we have more than a decade of experience at our disposal. Call (800) 980-6905 today to learn how we can represent you for nothing upfront and nothing out of pocket!