Orange County Asbestos Exposure Attorneys
Let Our Orange County Law Firm Fight For You!
The dangers of asbestos have been known for decades; many countries around the world have actually outlawed its widespread use. In America, it can still be used in certain industries and under certain regulations. No amount of litigation can make asbestos exposure any less dangerous, though, and laborers forced to work with the substance are put at unfair risk of developing permanent health complications.
If you have been working with asbestos insulation, lining, or any of its other forms, you need to call (800) 980-6905 as soon as you can and talk to Alvandi Law Group. You may have already suffered serious injuries and health conditions caused solely by asbestos exposure. Let our Orange County attorneys know about your job description and what ailments you have felt recently during a free initial consultation.
Health Hazards Asbestos Creates
Asbestos is not known to cause any immediate dangers when it is in a solid form. The problem is that it is a fragile mineral that frequently breaks up into microscopic slivers, even when carefully handled. The slivers are then breathed in unknowingly by people in the vicinity, ultimately getting trapped in the lungs and causing life-threatening complications weeks, months, or even years later.
Some of the conditions that asbestos exposure causes are:
- Lung cancer
- Mesothelioma
- Kidney failure
- Whooping cough
- Gastrointestinal cancer
- Fatal complications
- Inflammation of the respiratory system
- Chronic shortness of breath
Due to the slow-acting nature of asbestos, it may be too late to fully treat a condition once it is finally identified. For this reason, it is highly encouraged that workers in industries that use asbestos in any of its forms see their physicians as soon as they can. Be sure to keep copies of any medical records to use in your claim.
Protection and Litigation
If you must work within an environment that uses asbestos materials, insist that you are given ample protection for yourself and coworkers, including state-of-the-art personal air filtration systems. Companies should not be permitted to cut corners when it comes to the health of their employees. You may also want to notify the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the conditions of your workplace.
Beyond taking steps to protect yourself as best you can, you should consider filing a workers’ compensation lawsuit as soon as you suffer any illness. For comprehensive and reliable legal advocacy, contact our Orange County attorneys today. We have earned more than a billion dollars in recoveries for our clients and your case might just be the next on our list of successes.
Call our offices today at (800) 980-6905 to get started with your claim!
Who is most at risk of asbestos exposure?
Asbestos has been used in construction for years, and it is still used commonly in commercial and industrial (non-residential) construction projects to this day. The likelihood that you have been inside a building with asbestos insulation is quite high. However, people who are at the greatest risk of asbestos exposure are those who live in homes that are at least several decades old and those who work in construction, demolition, and mining.
Are children more likely to get mesothelioma?
It is unclear if children have a higher risk of developing mesothelioma than an adult. What is known is that a child who inhales asbestos will be at a higher risk of eventually developing mesothelioma just because they have more years of life ahead of them than an adult, i.e., the asbestos exposure has more time and opportunities to cause harm or disease.
Can asbestos enter your home in other ways?
Asbestos fibers can cling to almost any surface and are difficult to remove. It is not uncommon for asbestos to stick to a worker’s shoes, jacket, and hair when they are on a jobsite that is using some form of asbestos. When they return home, the asbestos can attach to other materials in the house, where it endangers anyone living there.
What is amphibole fiber asbestos?
Naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) can occur as chrysotile or amphibole fibers. Both are dangerous if inhaled. However, amphibole fibers are more likely to damage or stick to the lungs and cause mesothelioma due to the fiber’s needle-like shape. Thankfully, amphibole fiber asbestos is not used as commonly as chrysotile fiber asbestos.
Is there a way to remove asbestos once inhaled?No, there is currently no known medical or scientific method to safely remove asbestos fibers that have been inhaled. The lungs can remove asbestos naturally, and often do. However, all it takes is one stray fiber to become stuck or injury the lung for it to become a serious problem.
Is asbestosis curable?
Damage to the lungs caused by asbestos fibers in particular is called asbestosis. This condition is incurable. The scarring to the lungs is permanent and might even get worse with time.

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$4,400,000 Construction Site Accident
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$1,500,000 Construction Site Accident
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$850,000 Roofing Injury
Obtained $850,000 for a client involved in a roofing injury case.
$700,000 Office Work Injury
Obtained $700,000 compensation for a client who suffered an office-related injury.
$700,000 Chemical Exposure

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