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Common Causes of Workplace Injuries for Nurses & Healthcare Workers


The healthcare field is incredibly demanding of its workers, often requiring employees to work long hours that can take a major toll on the body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are more than 18 million workers in the healthcare industry and many are frequently exposed to countless hazards on a daily basis. In fact, the CDC also reported that incidents of non-fatal work injuries and illnesses are higher among healthcare workers than those in any other industry.

Despite the fact that this industry covers a vast range of different jobs, from home care aid to registered nurses, most individuals in this field still face some common risks that make them more prone to workplace injuries.

Below are some of the most common causes of workplace injuries nurses and other healthcare workers face:

  • Overexertion and repetitive stress injuries: According to OSHA, healthcare workers are seven times more likely than others to develop a musculoskeletal disorder. Among healthcare workers, nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants are at the highest risk for these types of injuries, which can affect the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, discs and blood vessels.
  • Patient handling activities: Much of a healthcare worker’s job involves handling patients, which can sometimes include difficult tasks such as manually lifting as a patient is transferred to different positions or is repositioned. This can impose a heavy strain on a worker’s body, resulting in an injury.
  • Needle sticks: Of course, healthcare workers frequently use syringes, whether it is to draw blood, administer immunizations, or for some other purpose. As such, handling these sharp tools can sometimes cause a cut or puncture the skin of a worker trying to treat or assist a patient.
  • Violence: People from all walks of life seek healthcare. Patients often choose to bring family and friends with them, all of him can increase the risk of violence. According to OSHA, healthcare and social service workers are at an incredibly high risk of being assaulted at work, especially since hospitals and clinics tend to be targets of robbery due to the presence of drugs.
  • Slip and falls: Regardless of the industry, slip and fall accidents will always appear on any list of common accidents. In a healthcare setting, water or other liquids spilled on the floor can cause slip and fall injuries.
  • Understaffing: This might not sound like the cause of an injury, but the fact is that many injuries occur as a result of understaffing. When a hospital or healthcare facility is understaffed, it places greater pressure on a worker to perform at a faster pace and often without the support or assistance of others.

Below are some of the most common injuries that occur as a result of the aforementioned causes:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Slipped discs
  • Bloodborne infectious diseases
  • Infections
  • Broken bones
  • Head injuries

If you sustained an injury on the job, remember, you could be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to help get you through what is likely a stressful and difficult time.

Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Orange County

Workplace injuries happen and, when they do, the injured employee should have access to vital workers’ compensation benefits. At Alvandi Law Group, P.C., our Orange County workers’ compensation attorneys have the necessary experience to effectively represent you and your interests. Backed by over 30 years of experience, you can be confident in our ability to help you.

Let us guide you through your workers’ compensation case. Call our firm today at (800) 980-6905 to schedule a free case evaluation with a knowledgeable member of our legal team.
